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Web Interface

Probe includes a web-based chat interface that provides a user-friendly way to interact with your codebase using AI. The web interface offers a modern UI for code search and AI-powered code exploration.

Quick Start with npx

The easiest way to use Probe's web interface is through npx:

# Run directly with npx (no installation needed)
npx -y @buger/probe-web

# Set your API key first (either Anthropic or OpenAI)
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_api_key
# OR
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key

# Configure allowed folders (required)
export ALLOWED_FOLDERS=/path/to/folder1,/path/to/folder2

This will start a local web server and open the interface in your default browser.


Interactive Chat UI

The web interface provides a clean, modern chat interface with:

  • Markdown rendering for rich text formatting
  • Syntax highlighting for code blocks
  • Support for multiple programming languages
  • Persistent conversation history
  • Streaming responses for real-time feedback

The web interface uses AI (Anthropic Claude or OpenAI GPT) to:

  • Search your codebase based on natural language queries
  • Explain code functionality and architecture
  • Generate diagrams and visualizations
  • Provide context-aware responses

Multiple Search Tools

The interface provides access to three powerful search tools:

  1. Search Tool: Standard regex-based code search with stemming and stopword removal
  2. Query Tool: AST-based structural pattern matching for precise code queries
  3. Extract Tool: File content extraction with optional line ranges and context

Mermaid Diagram Support

The web interface can render visual diagrams for:

  • Code architecture
  • Data flows
  • Class hierarchies
  • Sequence diagrams
  • State machines

Configurable Search Paths

You can define which directories can be searched via environment variables, allowing you to:

  • Limit search to specific projects
  • Include multiple codebases
  • Exclude sensitive directories
  • Control access to different parts of your filesystem

API Endpoints

The web interface provides RESTful API endpoints for programmatic access:

  • /api/search: Search code repositories
  • /api/query: Perform AST-based structural pattern matching
  • /api/extract: Extract code blocks from files
  • /api/chat: Chat with the AI about your code

Optional Authentication

The web interface includes optional basic authentication to:

  • Secure access to your codebase
  • Prevent unauthorized usage
  • Customize username and password
  • Protect sensitive code information

Setup and Configuration


  • Node.js (v14 or later)
  • NPM (v6 or later)
  • An Anthropic API key for Claude OR an OpenAI API key for GPT models

Manual Installation

  1. Navigate to the web directory:

    cd examples/web
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure environment variables: Create or edit the .env file in the web directory:

    # Required: At least one of these API keys must be provided
    # Required: Configure folders to search
    # Optional configuration
  4. Start the server:

    npm start
  5. Access the web interface: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port you configured)

Environment Variables

ANTHROPIC_API_KEYYour Anthropic API key for Claude(Optional if OPENAI_API_KEY is provided)
OPENAI_API_KEYYour OpenAI API key for GPT models(Optional if ANTHROPIC_API_KEY is provided)
ALLOWED_FOLDERSComma-separated list of folders that can be searched(Required)
PORTThe port to run the server on8080
MODEL_NAMEOverride the default modelclaude-3-7-sonnet-latest (Anthropic) or gpt-4o (OpenAI)
ANTHROPIC_API_URLOverride the default Anthropic API URL
OPENAI_API_URLOverride the default OpenAI API URL
DEBUGEnable debug modefalse
DEBUG_RAW_REQUESTEnable raw request debuggingfalse
AUTH_ENABLEDEnable basic authenticationfalse
AUTH_USERNAMEUsername for basic authenticationadmin
AUTH_PASSWORDPassword for basic authenticationpassword

Using the Web Interface

Starting a Conversation

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
  2. Type your question or request in the input field
  3. Press Enter or click the Send button

Example Queries

  • "Explain the architecture of this project"
  • "How does the search functionality work?"
  • "Create a diagram showing the main components"
  • "Find all code related to authentication"
  • "Explain the ranking algorithm implementation"

Viewing Code

Code blocks are displayed with syntax highlighting for better readability. You can:

  • Copy code blocks with the copy button
  • Expand/collapse long code blocks
  • See the file path for each code block

Viewing Diagrams

When you ask for a diagram, the AI will generate a Mermaid diagram that is rendered directly in the chat. You can:

  • Zoom in/out of diagrams
  • Copy the diagram as an image
  • Copy the Mermaid source code

API Documentation

The web interface provides a full OpenAPI specification at /openapi.yaml. You can use this specification with tools like Swagger UI or Postman to explore and test the API.

API Endpoints

1. Search Code (POST /api/search)

Search code repositories using the Probe tool.


  "keywords": "search pattern",
  "folder": "/path/to/repo",
  "exact": false,
  "allow_tests": false


  • keywords (required): Search pattern
  • folder (optional): Path to search in (must be one of the allowed folders)
  • exact (optional): Use exact match (default: false)
  • allow_tests (optional): Include test files in results (default: false)


  "results": "search results text",
  "command": "probe command that was executed",
  "timestamp": "2025-08-03T07:10:00.000Z"

2. Query Code (POST /api/query)

Search code using ast-grep structural pattern matching.


  "pattern": "function $NAME($$$PARAMS) { $$$BODY }",
  "path": "/path/to/repo",
  "language": "javascript",
  "allow_tests": false


  • pattern (required): AST pattern to search for
  • path (optional): Path to search in (must be one of the allowed folders)
  • language (optional): Programming language to use for parsing
  • allow_tests (optional): Include test files in results (default: false)


  "results": "query results text",
  "timestamp": "2025-08-03T07:10:00.000Z"

3. Extract Code (POST /api/extract)

Extract code blocks from files based on file paths and optional line numbers.


  "file_path": "src/main.js:42",
  "line": 42,
  "end_line": 60,
  "allow_tests": false,
  "context_lines": 10,
  "format": "plain"


  • file_path (required): Path to the file to extract from
  • line (optional): Start line number
  • end_line (optional): End line number
  • allow_tests (optional): Allow test files (default: false)
  • context_lines (optional): Number of context lines (default: 10)
  • format (optional): Output format (default: "plain")


  "results": "extracted code text",
  "timestamp": "2025-08-03T07:10:00.000Z"

4. Chat with AI (POST /api/chat)

Send a message to the AI and get a response.


  "message": "your question about the code",
  "stream": true


  • message (required): The message to send to the AI
  • stream (optional): Whether to stream the response (default: true)

Response (stream=false):

  "response": "AI response text",
  "toolCalls": [
      "name": "searchCode",
      "arguments": {
        "keywords": "search pattern",
        "folder": "/path/to/repo"
      "result": "search results"
  "timestamp": "2025-08-03T07:10:00.000Z"

Response (stream=true): Text stream of the AI response.


When authentication is enabled (AUTH_ENABLED=true), all endpoints (both UI and API) require basic authentication. The default username is admin and the default password is password, but these can be customized using the AUTH_USERNAME and AUTH_PASSWORD environment variables.

To authenticate API requests, include the Authorization header with the value Basic <base64-encoded-credentials>, where <base64-encoded-credentials> is the Base64 encoding of username:password.


Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Technical Details


The web interface consists of:

  • A Node.js backend server
  • A vanilla JavaScript frontend
  • The Vercel AI SDK for model integration
  • Probe command execution via the probeTool.js module

Technologies Used

  • @buger/probe: Node.js wrapper for the probe tool
  • Vercel AI SDK: For model integration and streaming responses
  • Marked.js: For rendering markdown
  • Highlight.js: For syntax highlighting
  • Mermaid.js: For diagram generation and visualization
  • Express.js: For the backend server

API Model Support

The application will use the first available API in this order:

  1. Anthropic Claude (if ANTHROPIC_API_KEY is provided)
  2. OpenAI GPT (if OPENAI_API_KEY is provided)

You can override the default model by setting the MODEL_NAME environment variable.

Default models:

  • Anthropic: claude-3-7-sonnet-latest
  • OpenAI: gpt-4o

Security Considerations

  • The web interface only allows searching in directories specified in the ALLOWED_FOLDERS environment variable
  • API keys are kept server-side and never exposed to the client
  • User inputs are sanitized to prevent command injection
  • The server runs locally by default and is not exposed to the internet
  • Optional authentication can be enabled to restrict access


Docker Deployment

The web interface includes a Dockerfile for containerized deployment.

Building the Docker Image

docker build -t code-search-chat .

Running with Docker

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_anthropic_api_key \
  -e ALLOWED_FOLDERS=/app/code1,/app/code2 \
  -v /path/to/local/code1:/app/code1 \
  -v /path/to/local/code2:/app/code2 \

Or with OpenAI and authentication:

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key \
  -e MODEL_NAME=gpt-4o \
  -e ALLOWED_FOLDERS=/app/code1,/app/code2 \
  -e AUTH_ENABLED=true \
  -e AUTH_USERNAME=admin \
  -e AUTH_PASSWORD=secure_password \
  -v /path/to/local/code1:/app/code1 \
  -v /path/to/local/code2:/app/code2 \

Cloud Deployment

While the web interface is designed to run locally, you can deploy it to cloud platforms:

  1. Deploy to a VPS or dedicated server:

    • Set up a Node.js environment
    • Clone the repository
    • Configure environment variables
    • Use a process manager like PM2 to keep the server running
    • Set up a reverse proxy with Nginx or Apache
  2. Deploy to a container platform:

    • Use the provided Dockerfile
    • Deploy to platforms like AWS ECS, Google Cloud Run, or Azure Container Instances
    • Configure environment variables in the platform's settings
    • Mount volumes for code repositories or use cloud storage
  3. Security considerations for cloud deployment:

    • Always enable authentication
    • Use HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate
    • Implement IP whitelisting if possible
    • Consider using a VPN for additional security
    • Regularly update dependencies and the base image



You can customize the appearance of the web interface by editing the CSS in the examples/web/index.html file.

Adding Features

The web interface is built with vanilla JavaScript, making it easy to modify and extend. Common customizations include:

  • Adding authentication
  • Implementing user preferences
  • Adding support for additional AI models
  • Creating custom visualizations

Integration with Other Tools

The web interface can be integrated with other development tools:

IDE Extensions

You can create extensions for popular IDEs that launch the web interface with the current project:

// Example VS Code extension command
vscode.commands.registerCommand('probe.openWebInterface', () => {
  const currentWorkspace = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath;
  const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {
    ALLOWED_FOLDERS: currentWorkspace,
    ANTHROPIC_API_KEY: config.get('anthropicApiKey')
  const server = spawn('npx', ['-y', '@buger/probe-web'], { env });
  // Handle server output...

CI/CD Pipelines

You can integrate the web interface into CI/CD pipelines for code review and documentation:

# Example GitHub Actions workflow
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run Probe Web Interface
        run: |
          export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=${{ secrets.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY }}
          npx -y @buger/probe-web &
          # Use Playwright or similar to automate queries and save results


The web interface includes debugging options to help troubleshoot issues:

Debug Mode

Enable debug mode to see detailed logging:

DEBUG=true npm start

This will output:

  • API requests and responses
  • Tool usage information
  • System message details
  • Token usage estimates

Raw Request Debugging

Enable raw request debugging to see the exact prompts sent to LLMs:

DEBUG_RAW_REQUEST=true npm start

Combined Debugging

For maximum debugging information, enable both options:

DEBUG=true DEBUG_RAW_REQUEST=true npm start


Common Issues

  1. API Key Issues:

    • Ensure your API key is correctly set in the environment variables
    • Check for any spaces or special characters in the key
    • Verify the API key is active and has sufficient permissions
  2. Folder Access Issues:

    • Ensure the folders in ALLOWED_FOLDERS exist and are accessible
    • Check file permissions on the folders
    • Use absolute paths to avoid path resolution issues
  3. Model Errors:

    • Check if the specified model is available in your API plan
    • Verify the model name is correct
    • Try using a different model if you encounter rate limits
  4. Connection Issues:

    • Check your internet connection
    • Verify the API URLs are correct if using custom endpoints
    • Check if there are any firewalls blocking the connection

Getting Help

If you encounter issues not covered in this documentation:

  1. Check the console output for error messages
  2. Enable debug mode for more detailed logging
  3. Check the GitHub repository for known issues
  4. Open a new issue on GitHub with detailed information about your problem

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.