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CLI Reference (Commands & Flags)

Complete reference documentation for all Probe command-line interface commands, options, and usage examples.

Search Command

Find code across your entire codebase:

probe search <QUERY> [PATH] [OPTIONS]

Core Options

<QUERY>Required: What to search for
[PATH]Where to search (default: current directory)
--files-onlyList matching files without code blocks
--ignore <PATTERN>Additional patterns to ignore
--exclude-filenames, -nExclude filenames from matching
--reranker, -r <TYPE>Algorithm: hybrid, hybrid2, bm25, tfidf
--frequency, -sEnable smart token matching (default)
--exactLiteral text matching only
--max-results <N>Limit number of results
--max-bytes <N>Limit total bytes of code
--max-tokens <N>Limit total tokens (for AI)
--allow-testsInclude test files and code
--any-termMatch any search term (OR logic)
--no-mergeKeep code blocks separate
--merge-threshold <N>Max lines between blocks to merge (default: 5)
--session <ID>Session ID for caching results
-o, --format <TYPE>Output as: color (default), terminal, markdown, plain, json, xml

Command Examples

# Basic search - current directory
probe search "authentication flow"

# Exact match in specific folder
probe search "updateUser" ./src/api --exact

# Limit for AI context windows
probe search "error handling" --max-tokens 8000

# Find raw files without parsing
probe search "config" --files-only

# Elastic search queries
# Use AND operator for terms that must appear together
probe search "error AND handling" ./

# Use OR operator for alternative terms
probe search "login OR authentication OR auth" ./src

# Group terms with parentheses for complex queries
probe search "(error OR exception) AND (handle OR process)" ./

# Use wildcards for partial matching
probe search "auth* connect*" ./

# Exclude terms with NOT operator
probe search "database NOT sqlite" ./

# Output as JSON for programmatic use
probe search "authentication" --format json

# Output as XML
probe search "authentication" --format xml

Extract Command

Pull complete code blocks from specific files and lines:

probe extract <FILES> [OPTIONS]

Extract Options

<FILES>Files to extract from (e.g., or
--allow-testsInclude test code blocks
-c, --context <N>Add N context lines
-o, --format <TYPE>Output as: color (default), terminal, markdown, plain, json, xml

Extraction Examples

# Get function containing line 42
probe extract src/

# Extract multiple blocks
probe extract src/auth.js:15 src/api.js:27

# Extract by symbol name
probe extract src/

# Extract a specific line range
probe extract src/

# Output as JSON
probe extract src/ --format json

# Output as XML
probe extract src/ --format xml

# Add surrounding context
probe extract src/ --context 5

Query Command

Find specific code structures using tree-sitter patterns:

probe query <PATTERN> <PATH> [OPTIONS]

Query Options

<PATTERN>Tree-sitter pattern to search for
<PATH>Where to search
--language <LANG>Specify language (inferred from files if omitted)
--ignore <PATTERN>Additional patterns to ignore
--allow-testsInclude test code blocks
--max-results <N>Limit number of results
-o, --format <TYPE>Output as: color (default), terminal, markdown, plain, json, xml

Query Examples

# Find Rust functions
probe query "fn $NAME($$$PARAMS) $$$BODY" ./src --language rust

# Find Python functions
probe query "def $NAME($$$PARAMS): $$$BODY" ./src --language python

# Find Go structs
probe query "type $NAME struct { $$$FIELDS }" ./src --language go

# Find C++ classes
probe query "class $NAME { $$$METHODS };" ./src --language cpp

# Output as JSON for programmatic use
probe query "fn $NAME($$$PARAMS) $$$BODY" ./src --language rust --format json

Output Formats

Probe supports multiple output formats to suit different needs:

colorColorized terminal output (default)
terminalPlain terminal output without colors
markdownMarkdown-formatted output
plainPlain text output without formatting
jsonJSON-formatted output for programmatic use
xmlXML-formatted output for programmatic use

For detailed information about the JSON and XML output formats, see the Output Formats documentation.

Power Techniques

From Compiler Errors

Feed error output directly to extract relevant code:

# Extract code from compiler errors
rustc 2>&1 | probe extract

# Pull code from test failures
go test ./... | probe extract

Unix Pipeline Integration

Chain with other tools for maximum effect:

# Find then filter
probe search "database" | grep "connection"

# Process & format
probe search "api" --format json | jq '.results[0]'

Command Combinations

Create powerful workflows by combining features:

# Find authentication code without tests
probe search "authenticate" --max-results 10 --ignore "test" --no-merge

# Extract specific functions with context
grep -n "handleRequest" ./src/*.js | cut -d':' -f1,2 | probe extract --context 3

# Find and extract error handlers
probe search "error handling" --files-only | xargs -I{} probe extract {} --format markdown

Session-Based Caching

Avoid seeing the same code blocks multiple times in a session:

# First search - generates a session ID
probe search "authentication" --session ""
# Session: a1b2 (example output)

# Subsequent searches - reuse the session ID
probe search "login" --session "a1b2"
# Will skip code blocks already shown in the previous search

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