Building AI Tools on Probe (Node.js SDK & LangChain)
This guide explains how to use Probe's Node.js SDK to build custom AI-powered code intelligence tools for your development workflow.
Probe's Node.js SDK provides programmatic access to its powerful code search capabilities, allowing you to build custom tools, integrate with AI frameworks, and create specialized workflows for your development team.
Installing @buger/probe as a Dependency
Start by adding Probe to your Node.js project:
# Add to your project
npm install @buger/probe
# Or install globally
npm install -g @buger/probe
During installation, the package will automatically download the appropriate Probe binary for your platform (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Basic SDK Usage
The SDK provides three main functions:
Search: Find Code Patterns
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
// Search for code patterns
const results = await search({
path: '/path/to/your/project',
query: 'authentication',
maxResults: 10
Query: Find Specific Code Structures
import { query } from '@buger/probe';
// Find JavaScript functions
const functions = await query({
path: '/path/to/your/project',
pattern: 'function $NAME($$$PARAMS) $$$BODY',
language: 'javascript'
Extract: Get Code from Specific Files
import { extract } from '@buger/probe';
// Extract code from specific files
const code = await extract({
files: [
'/path/to/your/project/src/api.js:42' // Extract from line 42
Examples with LangChain
LangChain is a popular framework for building AI applications. Here's how to integrate Probe with LangChain:
Creating LangChain Tools
import { ChatOpenAI } from '@langchain/openai';
import { tools } from '@buger/probe';
// Create LangChain tools from Probe
const searchTool = tools.createSearchTool();
const queryTool = tools.createQueryTool();
const extractTool = tools.createExtractTool();
// Create a ChatOpenAI instance with tools
const model = new ChatOpenAI({
modelName: "gpt-4o",
temperature: 0.7
}).withTools([searchTool, queryTool, extractTool]);
// Use the model with tools
async function chatWithAI(userMessage) {
const result = await model.invoke([
role: "system",
content: "You are a code intelligence assistant. Use the provided tools to search and analyze code."
role: "user",
content: userMessage
return result.content;
// Example usage
const response = await chatWithAI("How is authentication implemented in this project?");
Building a Code Explanation Chain
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
import { ChatOpenAI } from '@langchain/openai';
import { PromptTemplate } from '@langchain/core/prompts';
import { StringOutputParser } from '@langchain/core/output_parsers';
// Create a chain for code explanation
async function createCodeExplainer() {
// Create a chat model
const model = new ChatOpenAI({
modelName: "gpt-4o",
temperature: 0.5
// Create a prompt template
const promptTemplate = PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(`
You are a code explanation expert. I'll provide you with a question and some code search results.
Please analyze the code and explain it in a clear, concise manner.
Question: {question}
Code search results:
Your explanation:
// Create a chain
const chain = promptTemplate
.pipe(new StringOutputParser());
// Function to explain code
async function explainCode(question, codebasePath) {
// Search for relevant code
const searchResults = await search({
path: codebasePath,
query: question,
maxResults: 5,
maxTokens: 8000
// Get the explanation from the AI
const explanation = await chain.invoke({
return explanation;
return { explainCode };
// Usage
const explainer = await createCodeExplainer();
const explanation = await explainer.explainCode(
"How does the authentication system work?",
Examples with Vercel AI SDK
The Vercel AI SDK is another popular framework for building AI applications. The latest version of Probe provides tool generators that allow for better configuration and session isolation:
import { generateText } from 'ai';
import { searchTool, queryTool, extractTool } from '@buger/probe';
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
// Generate a session ID for tool isolation
const sessionId = randomUUID();
console.log(`Generated session ID: ${sessionId}`);
// Configure tools with options
const configOptions = {
debug: process.env.DEBUG === 'true',
maxTokens: 30000 // Optional: override default max tokens
// Create configured tool instances
const configuredTools = {
search: searchTool(configOptions),
query: queryTool(configOptions),
extract: extractTool(configOptions)
// Use the configured tools with Vercel AI SDK
async function chatWithAI(userMessage) {
const result = await generateText({
model: provider(modelName),
messages: [{ role: 'user', content: userMessage }],
system: "You are a code intelligence assistant. Use the provided tools to search and analyze code.",
tools: configuredTools,
maxSteps: 15,
temperature: 0.7
return result.text;
// Example usage
const response = await chatWithAI("Find all API endpoints in this project");
Benefits of Tool Generators
The new tool generator approach provides several advantages:
- Session Isolation: Each tool instance can have its own session ID, which is crucial in concurrent environments like web applications
- Configurable Options: You can customize tools with options like debug logging and token limits
- Better Debugging: Enable debug mode to see detailed logs of tool execution
- Backward Compatibility: The package still exports pre-configured tools for backward compatibility
Backward Compatibility
If you prefer the previous approach, you can still use the pre-configured tools:
import { tools } from '@buger/probe';
// Use the pre-configured tools
const result = await generateText({
model: provider(modelName),
messages: [{ role: 'user', content: userMessage }],
system: "You are a code intelligence assistant.",
tools: {
search: tools.searchTool,
query: tools.queryTool,
extract: tools.extractTool
Building a Custom Code Search API
Create a REST API for code search:
import express from 'express';
import { search, query, extract } from '@buger/probe';
const app = express();
// Search endpoint'/api/search', async (req, res) => {
try {
const { path, query, options } = req.body;
const results = await search({
res.json({ results });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });
// Query endpoint'/api/query', async (req, res) => {
try {
const { path, pattern, language, options } = req.body;
const results = await query({
res.json({ results });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });
// Extract endpoint'/api/extract', async (req, res) => {
try {
const { files, options } = req.body;
const results = await extract({
res.json({ results });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Code search API running on port 3000');
Handling Concurrency and Caching
For production applications, you'll want to handle concurrency and implement caching:
Implementing a Cache Layer
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
import NodeCache from 'node-cache';
// Create a cache with 1 hour TTL
const cache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 3600 });
// Cached search function
async function cachedSearch(params) {
// Create a cache key from the parameters
const cacheKey = JSON.stringify(params);
// Check if we have a cached result
const cachedResult = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedResult) {
console.log('Cache hit!');
return cachedResult;
// Perform the search
console.log('Cache miss, performing search...');
const results = await search(params);
// Cache the results
cache.set(cacheKey, results);
return results;
// Example usage
const results = await cachedSearch({
path: '/path/to/your/project',
query: 'authentication',
maxResults: 10
Managing Concurrency
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
import pLimit from 'p-limit';
// Limit concurrency to 5 simultaneous searches
const limit = pLimit(5);
// Function to search multiple repositories
async function searchMultipleRepos(query, repositories) {
// Map each repository to a limited promise
const promises = =>
limit(() => search({
path: repo,
maxResults: 10
// Wait for all searches to complete
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
// Combine and return results
return repositories.reduce((acc, repo, index) => {
acc[repo] = results[index];
return acc;
}, {});
// Example usage
const results = await searchMultipleRepos(
Best Practices for Production
Error Handling
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
async function robustSearch(params) {
try {
return await search(params);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Search error:', error);
// Handle specific errors
if (error.message.includes('Binary not found')) {
// Handle missing binary
console.error('Probe binary not found. Trying to reinstall...');
// Implement reinstall logic
} else if (error.message.includes('Permission denied')) {
// Handle permission issues
console.error('Permission denied. Check file permissions.');
} else if (error.message.includes('timeout')) {
// Handle timeouts
console.error('Search timed out. Try with a more specific query.');
// Return a fallback result
return { error: error.message, fallback: true };
Performance Optimization
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
// Optimize search for performance
async function optimizedSearch(query, path) {
// First, do a quick search for files only
const fileResults = await search({
filesOnly: true,
maxResults: 50
// If we have too many files, refine the query
if (fileResults.files && fileResults.files.length > 20) {
console.log('Too many files, refining query...');
// Add more specific terms to narrow down results
return search({
query: `${query} AND (function OR class OR method)`,
maxResults: 10
// Otherwise, search the content of the files we found
return search({
maxResults: 10
Memory Management
import { search } from '@buger/probe';
// Search with memory constraints
async function memoryEfficientSearch(query, path) {
// Split the search into smaller batches
const directories = [
const results = [];
// Process each directory separately
for (const dir of directories) {
const dirResults = await search({
path: dir,
maxResults: 5
// Optional: Force garbage collection if available
if (global.gc) {
return results;
// Run with --expose-gc flag to enable manual garbage collection
// node --expose-gc your-script.js
Next Steps
- For individual developer workflows, see Integrating Probe into AI Code Editors
- For team collaboration, check out Deploying the Probe Web Interface
- For advanced CLI usage, explore Advanced CLI: Speed, Token Limits, and Large Repos
- For complete API reference, see the Node.js SDK API Reference